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Logging is a fundamental building block for application development. Logs provide insights during the early stages of development and are often critical to understanding issues occurring in production.

Your AI Gateway dashboard shows logs of individual requests, including the user prompt, model response, provider, timestamp, request status, token usage, cost, and duration. These logs persist, giving you the flexibility to store them for your preferred duration and do more with valuable request data.

You can store up to 10 million logs per gateway. If your limit is reached, new logs will stop being saved. To continue saving logs, you must delete older logs to free up space for new logs.

To learn more about your plan limits, refer to Pricing.

Default configuration

Logs, which include metrics as well as request and response data, are enabled by default for each gateway. This logging behavior will be uniformly applied to all requests in the gateway. If you are concerned about privacy or compliance and want to turn log collection off, you can go to settings and opt out of logs. If you need to modify the log settings for specific requests, you can override this setting on a per-request basis.

To change the default log configuration in the dashboard:

  1. Log in to the Cloudflare dashboard and select your account.
  2. Go to AI > AI Gateway.
  3. Select Settings.
  4. Change the Logs setting to your preference.

Per-request logging

To override the default logging behavior set in the settings tab, you can define headers on a per-request basis.

Collect logs (cf-aig-collect-log)

The cf-aig-collect-log header allows you to bypass the default log setting for the gateway. If the gateway is configured to save logs, the header will exclude the log for that specific request. Conversely, if logging is disabled at the gateway level, this header will save the log for that request.

In the example below, we use cf-aig-collect-log to bypass the default setting to avoid saving the log.

Terminal window
curl{account_id}/{gateway_id}/openai/chat/completions \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'cf-aig-collect-log: false \
--data ' {
"model": "gpt-4o-mini",
"messages": [
"role": "user",
"content": "What is the email address and phone number of user123?"